An illustration of TrialNet hero Lilah Montgomery dances on a stage in a blue dress and tights. Light sparks from Lilah's fingertips as she creates a winter wonderland.
Participant Spotlight

Meet TrialNet hero: Lilah Montgomery

Meet Lilah: Foggy vapors rise from Lilah's icy, curly tendrils and little puffs of smoke gather about her fingertips as she twirls in relevé. Lilah glides across the room smooth as ice during dance class and finds it easy to keep her nerves cool before recitals.

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An illustration of TrialNet hero Tim Garman flying in the air wearing a blue super suit and golden cape. Tim is holding out his award-winning cinnamon raisin bread to a child.
Participant Spotlight

Meet TrialNet hero: Tim Garman

Meet Tim: The smell of warm cinnamon and melted butter rises from Tim’s basket of award-winning cinnamon bread, wafting over northern California. He’s always ready to share a fresh-baked loaf before flying home to meet with his support group for families of children newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D).

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An illustration of TrialNet heroes Talia and Ali in a treehouse lab staring at a screen projected from a tablet. Talia is standing while Ali is floating beside her.
Participant Spotlight

Meet TrialNet heroes: Talia and Ali

Meet Talia & Ali: Sisters Talia and Ali use their superhero powers to prevent health conditions from ending up as emergencies. Talia combines her health informatics skills with time travel to identify who’s headed for trouble. Ali jets through the clouds at superspeed to deliver the news.

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An illustration of TrialNet hero Luke Sorenson running fast on a dirt road wearing a cowboy hat and cape.
Participant Spotlight

Meet TrialNet hero: Luke Sorensen

Meet Luke: Puffs of dust swirl in a path around the barn. The chickens stir, ducks wobble forward, sheep bleat, and the pony snorts in response to a soft whoosh of air. It’s 8-year-old TrialNet hero Luke running at hyper speed to complete his chores before the start of the school day.

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